Camptonville, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking for the population and steets of Camptonville City, California, you have come to the right place. The information below will provide you with a wealth of information. The population of Camptonville is comprised of around 1,700 residents, with 24% of those residents working in blue-collar jobs. The remaining 48% of residents work in white-collar roles.

The population of Camptonville is made up of about six hundred and thirty-seven residents. The median home value is $265,789, and the average household size is 2.18. It is estimated that the population will continue to increase, increasing by 4.8% by 2040. The demographic makeup of Camptonville is mostly white with just 0.2% being black. The area has about two dozen people of Asian descent.

The median age in Camptonville is forty-five years old. Males in the city are more likely to be forty-one years old than women, and the median household income is $88,657. The median home value in Camptonville is $268,800. Camptonville has a 1% poverty rate. The median rental cost per month is $850. There are also two schools within the city.