Carnelian Bay, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following data shows the employment statistics of Carnelian Bay, CA. The top industries in Carnelian Bay, CA include Educational Services, Health Care & Social Assistance, and Professional, Scientific, & Technical Services. These industries pay the highest wages in Carnelian Bay.

According to the US census, the majority of residents of Carnelian Bay are white. However, some people identify themselves as Hispanic. The city's diversity map shows both red and green areas, and indicates a mixed race population. This diversity may be a sign of a declining economy.

The median age for the citizens of Carnelian Bay, CA is 40.9 years old. Approximately 10.8% of the population was born outside the United States. The majority of residents were White (Hispanic), but there were also some residents of two and three-sex groups. The third largest group was Asian, making up 35.

The median property value of a home in Carnelian Bay, CA was $626,800 in 2020. This was more than two times higher than the national average of $229,800. Eighty-nine percent of Carnelian Bay, CA residents were homeowners. The median commute time in Carnelian Bay, CA was 19 minutes.