Ceres, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

This article will give you an overview of Ceres City's population and steets. The statistics will help you decide if Ceres is right for you. Or, if there are better cities nearby that offer a more desirable lifestyle. The livability score is based on data from several categories. Read on for some interesting statistics. Also, check out the cost of living and employment rates in Ceres.

The median age of residents in Ceres, CA, is 30.2 years old. This figure is higher than the national average, which is 27.6. The percentage of foreign-born citizens in Ceres is even higher, with their average age of 46. The median age of people born in Ceres is lower than the national average, indicating that the city attracts a younger crowd.

This historical marker marks the first non-native families in Ceres. Daniel Whitmore, Cassius Warner, and John Service settled in the area in 1870. The Whitmore Mansion, located at 2928 5th Street, has been restored. The town is known for a number of local landmarks, including the historic Whitmore Mansion. In the early 1890s, two brothers named Chris Evans and John Sontag robbed a Southern Pacific Railroad train in Ceres. In the late 1930s, a labor camp developed in the town.

In Ceres, California, there are three major school districts. The Ceres Unified School District has 21 elementary schools. The Stanislaus County Office of Education oversees seven other local school districts. Its population is primarily white, but the county has an estimated minority of Hispanics and Other people. The two major school districts share a combined total of more than 8,000 students.