Chowchilla, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're interested in Chowchilla, California, you may be interested in the population and steets statistics for the city. The city was incorporated in 1923, and its general plan, Chowchilla 2040, builds on previous planning efforts to address future needs and wants in a changing world. Its long-term goals reflect the city's desire to sustain its small town character while meeting the needs of its current residents.

Although the median property value in Chowchilla is not high, it is slightly above the national average of $205,200. The homeownership rate in Chowchilla is 52%, a low compared to the national average of 64.1%. The city's average commute time is 27 minutes, and households own two cars. As with many cities in California, Chowchilla's median property value reflects its low cost of living.

The median age in Chowchilla City is 34.1. The smallest proportion of residents is 65.8%. The following chart shows the overall diversity of Chowchilla. Chowchilla is predominantly White, while the next diagram shows a smaller percentage of Hispanic/Latinos. Native American and Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander populations make up the most than half of the population.

The City has a Volunteer Fire Department that serves the city as well as the unincorporated areas surrounding the town. The city is part of a mutual aid agreement with the Madera County Fire Department. Madera County Fire Department Station 2 is located at North First Street, while other stations may respond to a fire depending on the location. Cal Fire dispatch is handled by Madera County. When firefighting, the Chowchilla Volunteer Fire Department's station may be in another town or city.