Corralitos, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The Population & Steets of Corralitos City, California are presented below. Corralitos residents are mostly Mexican, English, German, Irish, and other ethnicities. Approximately 26.0% of the population were born outside the country. There are a variety of housing options in this neighborhood, so it is wise to look around before you make a decision.

The most common car ownership is two or three cars. A surprising amount of Corralitos households own four or more cars, and that is more than 99.9% of the other neighborhoods. The Corralitos neighborhood also has a larger percentage of people of Lebanese and Portuguese ancestry than the average city. A quick look at these statistics will give you a good idea of what to expect in Corralitos.

The median property value in Corralitos was $959,800 in 2019. It was a little less than eighty percent of the national average. Corralitos residents drove alone to work. The average commute time was 18.3 minutes. The average number of cars per household was three. The median home value of Corralitos was $859,800 in 2017.

The rate of crime per resident in Corralitos can be high or low. It can be as low as one crime per 100 residents in the southeast part of the city. Comparing crime rates between neighborhoods is not always as intuitive as it might seem. This crime map displays a simple crime count that closely resembles the population maps of California. In addition, there is no crime per 1,000 residents in the city, but a rate of two crimes is high in some blocks and low in others.