Coulterville, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

A quick look at the Population & Steets of Coulterville City will reveal some interesting facts. There are approximately 130 housing units in Coulterville. The average household size is 1.4. The city has a low vacancy rate of 5.6%. Moreover, there are no public transportation services available in Coulterville. Residents spend about 0.00 minutes to get to work every day.

The Coulter family first settled the town in 1850. George W. Coulter built his first store and lived in a tent while flying the American flag. Local Mexicans called this place Banderita. The town's post office was established in 1852, and in 1853 it changed its name to Coulterville, honoring George Maxwell, a local rancher. The town was later recognized as a California Historical Landmark #332 and a large part of the downtown is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

The median property value in Coulterville, IL is $76,500, which is 0.318 times the national average. About 50 percent of homes in Coulterville are owned by their owners. The median number of households owning cars is two. Coulterville has a population of 838 residents. The median household income is $40,179. The city has an affordable housing rate of $165,000.

In the city, 16.7% of residents live below the poverty line. Among families, 13.8% of Coulterville residents live in poverty. The unemployment rate for Coulterville is 6.5% for people aged 16 and over. Another 14.6% of the population works for the government. The median household income in Coulterville, IL is $38,333. So, there are plenty of opportunities to make a decent living in Coulterville.