Douglas Flat, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What's the Population & Steets in Douglas Hollow City? A quick look at the statistics will give you a good idea of what this city has to offer. In addition to historical earthquakes, there are also a few other facts about Douglas Flat City. The population is made up of a mixture of white and black people. Historically, there have been three tornadoes in Douglas Flat City.

In 2010, Chelan County and Douglas County had the lowest percentage of adults aged 65 and older than the rest of the state and the nation. Both counties have a higher percentage of adults aged 18 and older than other parts of Washington state. Both counties are relatively low on the poverty scale, though they still have a very young population. These statistics are indicative of the local economy, though it's important to note that there are few jobs in the area.

In 2019, the covered employment in Douglas County was 12,496. This is slightly more than half of the Chelan County total. In the same year, men held 53.5 percent of all jobs in Douglas County and women held 46.5 percent. Health services were the second most prevalent industry in Douglas County, with eight08 jobs. It represented 6.8% of the total covered employment and fifth largest payroll. It is one of the few counties in the state where the population is mainly white.