Ducor, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The Ducor CDP has a total area of 0.6 square miles or 1.6 km2. The population density in this city is 1,002.9 people per square mile, or 387.2 people per square kilometer. The racial makeup of the city is fairly even, with 251 residents being White and 0% African American. There are also a large number of people of other races, including 302 Hispanic and Latino residents.

The racial make-up of Ducor, CA is White and Hispanic. In the area of renter-occupied housing, 0 households are affected. The most common reason for an eviction is failure to pay rent, although other factors may also be at play. Evictions in Ducor can be a sign of a deteriorating economy. The city of Ducor had a total of 0.23 evictions in 2016, compared to 0 evictions in nearby Poplar-Cotton Center and Raisin City.

The median property value in Ducor, CA is $109,200 in 2019, which is about 0.454 times smaller than the national average. The homeownership rate is 81.1%, higher than the national average. Ducor residents drive alone on average, and the median commute time is 34 minutes. The median car ownership in Ducor, CA is also about average, with two cars per household. Ducor, CA has a total population of 636 residents.