East Los Angeles, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What is the Population & Steets in East LA City? Listed below are the statistics about the area. The chart below shows how many households in East Los Angeles, CA own a car. The chart uses a logarithmic scale on the y-axis to highlight the differences between the different forms of transportation. In this chart, the percent of households that own a car is broken down by buckets of vehicle ownership. The largest percentage of households owning cars is two cars, followed by false. Health insurance coverage is also available in the city, with 85.8% of residents having an employer-provided plan or Medicaid. The percentage of residents without health insurance is low, at 29.7%, while the percentage of those with a Medicare plan is 65.

The area that makes up East Los Angeles has many distinct racial and ethnic groups. The area was originally inhabited by the Gabrielino Indians. This land was conquered by the Spanish in the late eighteenth century, and later by Mexican and American ranchers. In the nineteenth century, agricultural communities were established in East LA, and some of these farms produced dairy cattle and vegetables. However, these were only temporary residences, and the city's rapid development forced these communities to settle in other areas.

What is the Population & Steets in East LA City? According to the U.S. Census, East Los Angeles is home to an estimated 62,300 people. This area has a low population density, which makes it a desirable place to live for those who work and play in the city. Residents of this area enjoy a moderate climate, a lot of sun, and many outdoor activities.