El Macero, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following map shows a quick look at the population and steets of El Macero. The area's east side is comparatively safer than its southeast and southwest sides. The map shows violent crimes per thousand residents. Violent crime rates are generally lower in the east part of El Macero than they are in the west. Nonetheless, violent crime rates in the east are higher than in the southeast.

In addition to being helpful in business planning and sales catchment, a map of El Macero's population is also an invaluable tool for research. You can use it for salary research, job hunting, and moving. The map also comes in handy when travelling. It allows you to see the location of different businesses, schools, and residential neighborhoods. This map is a must for any serious business or home buyer.

The population of El Macero is about 100 people. The median household income is $100,876. Residents aged 25-44 earn $102,241 annually, while those aged 45-64 earn $143,243. People younger than 25 earn $19,730. Elderly people earn $100,042.