Elverta, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Elverta City is located in California. This population statistics report shows the population by raw head count and population density per square mile. The information is updated annually and is sourced from the 2020 American Community Survey. However, the data is not guaranteed to be accurate. For more details, visit the About Page for additional information.

The city has a population of 5,551 people. The median household income is $60,096. Elverta's crime rate is less than the state average, and there are about two cars per household. The median home value is $352,900. Elverta's homeownership rate is around 80%. Most residents commute by car to work, with the average commute taking 31.5 minutes.

Elverta is located in Northern California, in the Central Valley at the base of the Sierra Nevada. The average temperature is 37 degrees Fahrenheit. Elverta has two street lights. It has very few high-rise buildings. The population is white. There are 570 households in the city.

The median gross rent in Elverta City was $1,328/mo in 2010. This figure includes utility bills and some building costs. It is lower than the state average of 33.7% (see California Rent Burden). Elverta has a rent burden of only 29.9% (2016), which is lower than the rate of 33.7% in other California cities.