Emerald Hills, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

You might be curious about the population of Emerald Hills, CA. In this article, you'll discover the demographics of the area. The population is 4354 strong, with 48% of the residents being male and 52% being female. The median age of the population is 34 years old. The majority of people live in family units, with 62% of the households being made up of two people. The median household income is $77,373, and the median individual income is $33,980. The median home value is $675,362 and the median rent is $495 per month.

Before the 1980s, Emerald Lake and the surrounding area were served by septic tanks. In 1982, the population of the neighborhood was 900 residents. Throughout the 1980s, a building moratorium was imposed, but development resumed after the moratorium was lifted. By 1992, the city's population had grown to over 1,400. Many of these homes were incredibly expensive, and included several homes owned by San Francisco 49ers players.

Despite the large number of residents, it is worth noting that a majority of people in Emerald Hills commute by car or by walking. Those who commute by public transportation may be able to take a bus, subway, or elevated for their daily commute. The neighborhood is home to an eclectic mix of ethnicities, and the demographics reflect that. While the city is a distinctly unique area, it is still relatively affordable in comparison to many areas of the United States.