The Foothill Ranch neighborhood is considered to be one of the most prosperous neighborhoods in the country. Compared to other neighborhoods, the residents of Foothill Ranch have a higher income and a lower rate of childhood poverty. This makes the neighborhood a perfect choice for families with school-aged children.
The neighborhood's population is made up of a mix of people with varying racial backgrounds. The majority of residents identify themselves as Asian, while the rest are of Spanish, English, Irish, and German descent. About 31.9% of residents were born outside the United States.
The real estate market in Foothill Ranch consists of medium-sized and large-sized homes. Most of the homes are owner-occupied. Most homes in Foothill Ranch were built in 2000 or later, but there are some older homes in the area. The median price for a home in Foothill Ranch is $1,237,000, which is higher than the average home price for California and the U.S.
The demographics of the city show that there are a large number of people in the late twenties and early thirties, and a very small population of people in their thirties and forties. There are a large number of families in the area, with an average of two adult households. There are also many people under the age of eighteen. The area also has a low percentage of vacancies, compared to other areas of the country.