Hayfork, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

There are a few important statistics that you need to know about Hayfork, CA. The city's median household income is $34,056 and the median age is 42.2 years. In 2009, the city had a population of 2,421 people and as of 2019, that number has increased to 2,711 people. The city's five largest racial and ethnic groups are White (Non-Hispanic), American Indian & Alaska Native, and Other. In addition, zero percent of the population in Hayfork speaks a language other than English at home.

While there are a variety of reasons for a person to have health problems, one of the most common is a lack of specialty care. Residents like Stormy Clarke, who has a medical marijuana card, are feeling the effects. Another resident, Robbie, suffers from paranoid schizophrenia. The paranoia, or "crazy" mental condition, is a chronic problem and walks around town complaining to passersby that someone is after him. In August, the city's psychologist, Bill Bussman, left the city to return to his native Minnesota.

While the town had a tight-knit local health care system for decades, it's no longer as accessible as it once was. Only two physicians and a pharmacist practice in Hayfork. In recent years, doctors are being replaced by physician's assistants. The town has no hospital within a couple of miles and is largely isolated from basic health care. The National Rural Health Association estimates that 10 percent of doctors work in rural America.