La Puente, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're curious about the population of La Puente City, California, you should check out the statistics below. The table includes data on the number of households living in poverty, along with their racial and ethnic makeup. The most common modes of transportation in La Puente, CA are driving alone, carpooling, or using public transit. The table also compares La Puente to the national average for each mode of transportation.

The overall median age of the people living in La Puente, CA is 35.0. In comparison, the median age for residents of the Hacienda Heights CDP is 42.8. In La Puente, people are mostly foreign-born, but the percentage of native-born residents is higher than the national average. There are also some foreign-born residents of La Puente. Nevertheless, the median age of the non-citizen population is higher than that of the California state average.

The population of La Puente is composed of 79.9% Hispanics, which makes it the third most Hispanic city in the greater La Puente area. In terms of gender, the ratio of males to females is 3.1%. The area has a large number of military personnel, including veterans. The median household income is $62,709.

The City of La Puente has a family size of 4.5. It is the third largest family-friendly city in the greater Los Angeles area. However, its neighbor, Hacienda Heights CDP, has a family size of 4.9. The median household size in La Puente is 67%, but this doesn't mean that the community is all that large. With more than 25,000 residents, the population of La Puente is a diverse and growing one.