Long Barn, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What is the Population & Steets in Long Bar City? In this article, you will find out. You will also discover the race that is most likely to live in poverty in Long Barn. Those who are not working are largely comprised of whites and Hispanics. Overall, Long Barn is considered a relatively safe city for the most part. However, the population density is relatively low. The poverty rate in Long Barn is only 0.00% among full-time residents and 0% for part-time workers.

In Long Barn, CA, there are 102 residents, and the median property value is N/A. Long Barn has a lower than average commute time (27 minutes), and the median home price is $301,800. Home appreciation in Long Barn is 4.9%, which is slightly higher than the national average. The average car ownership rate is five cars per household. Despite this, the median property value in Long Barn is N/A.

In the gold rush era, Long Barn was a popular wagon stop. Pioneers would stop by to replenish supplies, rest, and find food. At one point, the Long Barn featured an apple orchard. Today, the town's history is preserved by a small ice skating rink. Nearby cities include Columbia, Strawberry, and Sonora. And for a night out, there is an ice rink hidden in a barn!