Midway City, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population and steets of Midway City are available for your reference. Listed below are the details for each of the schools in Midway City. Each school's name, address, state, and zip code are listed. You can use this information to find the school that is best for you. You can also search for schools in the area by name. The following information about Midway City is for informational purposes only.

A new park was built in Midway City in 1987. The park was originally named for Roger R. Stanton, a former supervisor of the Orange County Board of Supervisors. Midway City's park is now called Stanton Park. The city's stepped boundaries and four anemic sections make it one of the most unique cities in Orange County. Midway City has a population of approximately 40,000.

The map below shows the rate of property crime in Midway City, based on the number of residents and day visitors. Midway City is slightly more crime-prone than the average city, but crime rates there are not dangerous for residents. Crime occurs wherever people congregate. To be safe in Midway City, consider living near parks. The park is safe, but crime occurs. That being said, there are a few things to consider when making your decision.

In Midway City, CA, approximately 77.8% of the population commutes by car, while 4.39 percent worked from home. The percentage of households using each mode of transportation has changed over time. The chart uses a logarithmic scale on the y-axis to better display variations in smaller means of commuting. Despite the changes in the percentage of individuals using cars, car ownership is still higher than in many other cities in California.