Mount Hamilton, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're thinking about moving to Mount Hamilton City, California, you should know the demographics of the area. There are approximately 1,202 residents of all races living in Mount Hamilton. While only 2.1% of residents identify as Black, 9.6% identify as Asian, and 39.3% identify as Hispanic or Latino. A small percentage (about 0.4%) of Mount Hamilton residents identify as American Indian or Alaska Native. Most residents, however, identify as white.

The median age was 43 years old, and the majority of residents were between the ages of 18 and 24. There were also 7.5% of households with a female householder who was not her husband. Approximately 51.7% of the population were non-families. Of the 1,772 households, forty-seven percent of the population (including non-families) were made up of individuals. Twenty-four percent of households had a person 65 years of age or older living alone. The average household size was two people.

The proportion of educated residents in a city determines the quality of that city. Having a greater percentage of educated citizens enables a city to grow economically. Men and women may have different percentages of people with higher education, but in general, the higher the proportion, the better. For example, in Mount Hamilton City, California, four hundred and eleven percent of women are high school graduates, while thirty-three percent hold master's degrees, and three percent hold doctoral degrees.