Olancha, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

You may be wondering if it's safe to live in Olancha. Here's some information about the city. The city is a safe city, but it has crime rates that are above average. Crime is more common in the areas that are safe, such as around parks and major airports. However, crime does occur everywhere, and you should be cautious when entering these areas. You may want to consider relocating to a different part of the city if you are worried about crime.

The population of Olancha, CA is comprised of residents of various races. The most common racial group is White, while the most common sex group is Black or Native American. A census-computed analysis of this data shows that 184 residents live in Olancha, with an increase in the population from last year. The median home value is $174,200, and the median income is $36,200.

The median household income in Olancha, CA is $115,313 per year. Those with a higher income are more likely to own a home. The average commute time is about 59 minutes. The average car owner has five cars. Olancha is home to 229 residents. If you are thinking of moving to Olancha, CA, make sure to check the area's demographics and local economy.