Quartz Hill, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

You may be wondering about the population and steets of Quartz Hill City, CA. This information is important for making an informed decision about whether or not Quartz Hill is the right city for you. Listed below are some facts about this city. These statistics are updated frequently. They may change, so be sure to check them out before making your decision. We also encourage you to consider the amenities available in Quartz Hill, CA.

The violent crime rate in Quartz Hill is 3.30 crimes per 1,000 residents, which is above the national average. The city is considered the safest part of California, especially for daytime visitors. The northwestern neighborhoods of the city have a higher risk of violent crimes than those in the southeast. However, red areas do not always represent high risk for residents. This is because crimes happen where people are. Therefore, you should be extra careful when evaluating violent crime rates in Quartz Hill.

The most common mode of transportation in Quartz Hill is a car. A quarter of residents in Quartz Hill drive alone to work. Another one-fourth of workers carpooled. The remaining quarter works from home. The chart below details the percentage of households using these modes of transportation over time. The y-axis is on a logarithmic scale, which makes it easier to compare small means of transportation. The graph above shows that the largest share of households own two cars.