Population & Steets in Santa Margarita, CA are important to know. Compared to other cities, Santa Margarita has a diverse population. The majority of Santa Margarita's residents are White, with only 61 Black or African American residents. This decrease in population is largely due to immigration. Only 5.44% of the population is Hispanic. The population of Santa Margarita is comprised of a mix of cultures and ethnicities.
In comparison to nearby cities, Santa Margarita's crime rate is much lower than other cities of comparable size. It is also safer than both the state and national average. While crime rates may seem higher, this is due to the fact that they occur where people are. And even in a safe park, there are many victims of violent crime. Nevertheless, there are many ways to prevent crime in Santa Margarita.
Rancho Santa Margarita is a master-planned community in south Orange County. Located near Cuesta Peak, the city is one of the youngest cities in Orange County. Many of the neighborhoods are within various homeowners associations. The 2010 census recorded a population of approximately 1,259 people. It is also home to a Ted Robinson-styled golf course. O'Neill Regional Park is also nearby.
Residents can work within the city, though only about a tenth of the city's residents do. Most commute to neighboring cities. This means that a commute of up to 30 minutes is common. The largest employers in Santa Margarita are Applied Medical and O'Connell Landscape. Residents can also shop and dine in the town center. The Santa Margarita Marketplace and Mercarita Marketplace are major shopping and dining centers.