Spring Valley Lake, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're wondering, "How many people live in Spring Valley Lake City?" there are a few ways to find out. One way is to check out the population & steets data. That way you can compare the different areas within the city. Also, you can see what towns are nearby Spring Valley Lake. Then you can plan a trip to those locations. Or, you can view a list of the towns within 100 miles.

While you're comparing neighborhoods, keep in mind that areas with higher walk scores are typically more noisy. If you're sensitive to noise, it might be best to avoid these areas. The air quality in Spring Valley Lake, CA is above average last month, with an Air Quality Index (AQI) of 40 for PM2.5. But, if you're looking for a quiet neighborhood, you might want to look elsewhere.

The median household income in Spring Valley Lake, CA is $84,727. This is more than the United States' median income of $65,712. In fact, only 14.3% of the population of Spring Valley Lake, CA live below the poverty line. Take a look at the California income breakdown to see how your community compares. The national median household income for men in this city is $84,727, compared to $72,576 for women.

The median household income in Spring Valley Lake, CA is $84,727, which is higher than the state's average. Spring Valley Lake's median household income is $64,512, and the majority of residents are liberally leaning. The median household income is $467,200. The median rent is $1,771, and about 60% of residents are homeowners. There are no racial groups in Spring Valley Lake.