Termo, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Termo is a town in California. In order to get a general overview of Termo, CA, we need to first understand its population and steets. The population of Termo is approximately 1,847 people. That number is based on a census. You can also check out the other towns and cities within 100 miles of Termo. Listed below are the major cities and towns nearest to Termo.

The percentage of residents that are black or Latino is 24%. The median household income is $0 and the percentage of people with at least a bachelor's degree is 0%. The majority of homes in Termo are single family homes. This city ranks high when compared to other similar cities. You can also find information on racial diversity scores. You can compare the racial makeup of Termo with other cities in Oregon and Idaho to determine if the area is safe or not.

Crime Rates in Termo City are also shown on a crime map. The safest parts of town are colored red while dangerous areas are color-coded in yellow. The Crime Grade scale weights each crime type by its percentage in the city. If the rate of crime in Termo is higher than the state or national average, it will be marked as "high."