Topaz, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following information will help you learn more about the Population & Steets of Topaz City, California. You'll learn how many people live below the poverty line in the city, as well as the average age. The median age in Topaz is 15.2, which is much younger than the national average of 37.9. The median age for Topaz residents is also significantly lower than the national average, which is 37.9%. The city's veteran population is small, though. Only 3.80% of adult civilians are age 65 and older, compared to 15.2% of the U.S. population.

The camp was designed in blocks with a total of forty-six residential blocks. The remaining eight blocks were administrative buildings, but also included churches, libraries, and school buildings. The total population reached 8130 prisoners. The camp was closed in October 1945. The Topaz Relocation Center was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1974. The camp had a population of approximately 2,500 people at its height.

The City of Topaz is located in Mono County, California. Its median age is 46.3. The median household income is $23,036. The median rent in Topaz is - per month. Topaz's median house value is $218,300. The median age of the residents of Topaz is 46.3 years old. Of those, 81% are U.S. citizens. When it comes to sex, the city is home to about 12% Hispanic citizens and the rest are mostly White.