Cokedale, Colorado Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you want to know the population and steets of Cokedale City, Colorado, you will need to first find the median household income for this city. The median income in this city is $0 per year, and the number of high school students is 0. This information should help you make your decision regarding a career in this area. Cokedale has a total population of about 2,500, but it is considered outside the metro area. It is in the Mountain Time Zone, and the average internet speed in this city is 35 Mbps. The nearest airport is located 68 miles away, while the nearest coast is 631 miles away. The population density of this city is relatively low, and traffic is also relatively low.

The population of this city is composed of 61 White residents, 16 American Indian & Alaska Native (Non-Hispanic), and 11 Hispanic. The percentage of these two races is 17.2%, which makes Cokedale the most diverse city in Colorado. In Cokedale, the median age is 34 years. There are many different school districts in the city, and many of them have a wide range of ages.

The town was originally a tent colony. In the fall of 1906, construction began on a small town called Cokedale. Designed by Denver architect James Murdoch, Cokedale's buildings were made of cinderblocks, coke, cement, and quarried sandstone. The walls were covered with pebble dash stucco, and the houses were pyramidal in shape. As of the census of 1900, Cokedale had more than 1,500 people.