The city of Colorado Springs is experiencing rapid growth and is projected to double in population before 2050, making it the largest city in the state. It has long attracted companies to Colorado Springs and the region for its workforce, affordability, and ingenuity in the business world. The city is considered pro-business and progressive, earning it a place on several best-of lists. Here are some key facts about the city's demographics:
The population of Colorado Springs is approximately 472 thousand residents, with a larger population of 738 thousand in the surrounding metro area. Colorado Springs has several different neighborhoods, with some neighborhoods offering a historical feel and others featuring modern architecture. The city is also home to a diverse mix of industries, including health care, technology, and retail. A quick look at its population and steets can tell you what neighborhoods are popular in the area.
The cost of living in Colorado Springs is lower than the national average. The median cost of housing and utility bills are both 26% lower in Colorado Springs than the national average. But costs can fluctuate, especially in a growing city like this. The city has a low crime rate, with an average crime rate of 2.4%. If you are considering a move to Colorado Springs, consider the cost of living in the city.
The population of Colorado Springs is lower than the national average, and has fewer minorities than the national average. The city is comprised of eight major ethnic groups, including Asian, Hispanic, and White. Other (0.2%) people make up the rest of the population. Colorado Springs' crime statistics are provided by the crime-index (U.S.) and are updated monthly. A comprehensive look at the population of Colorado Springs will tell you if the city is changing.