Dolores, Colorado Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Dolores City, Colorado, has an estimated population of approximately 2,000 people. It is a statutory town in the state of Colorado. For more information, see the Population & Steets in Dolores City article. The population of Dolores City is divided into two parts: the valley bottom along the Dolores River, and the summit ridge to the south and southwest. The valley bottom is comprised primarily of residential areas, with commercial and minor-industrial areas upstream.

Dolores is home to a large population of veterans, including several Vietnam war veterans. The median home value in Dolores, CO is $334,500. Home appreciation in the past ten years in Dolores is 17.3%. Dolores has a low poverty rate, with an estimated 16.9% of the population living below the federal poverty line. The median home value is $160,200, which is 0.666 times less than the national average.

The cemetery gained world-wide fame when Alfred Hitchcock used it in the 1958 film Vertigo. Today's cemetery is far different from the one in the movie, as Hollywood inserted images of elaborate grave markers while making the movie. The cemetery also served as a replacement church for large ceremonies in the Archdiocese in 1962. It was also the site of a number of funerals.

The median household income in Dolores City, CO is $34,500. Dolores City has a relatively lower poverty rate than the neighboring cities. Approximately 64.1% of the population in Dolores City is unemployed, while 16.7% is a single person. It is estimated that 17.3% of households in Dolores City commute by car, and that number continues to rise.