The Census Bureau determines poverty levels by using money income thresholds. These thresholds vary based on family size and composition, but a family with an income of less than that amount is considered poor. The poverty rate in Evergreen was 0.15% for full-time workers, 2.15% for part-time workers, and 8.69% for non-workers. Non-citizens are people who are not citizens of the United States and are either temporary or humanitarian migrants, or illegal immigrants.
The median property value in Evergreen City was $484,500 in 2019. This was nearly two times higher than the national average of $240,500. As of 2019, the city has an 83.1% homeownership rate. The median commute time to work is 25.6 minutes. Most commuters drive alone, and two cars are owned by each household. There are a variety of reasons for this low rate.
Located in the city's central business district, the corridor has an estimated 2,700 housing and multifamily units. Future multifamily development in the area will be a mix of apartments and condominiums, depending on supply and demand conditions. Since the for-sale housing market is in turmoil, condominiums are likely to lose their short-term share. Regardless of what type of development comes to fruition, residents will benefit from a residential environment that is buffered from highway traffic and offers linkages to a variety of shopping and commercial offerings in the area.
The City's evergreen Way corridor is a major economic development opportunity. It offers considerable opportunities to spur new growth by creating mixed-use focal points. Evergreen Way is a prime candidate for mixed-use development, and the city has designated the corridor as a commercial-multifamily corridor. This corridor could accommodate a significant portion of future commercial growth. Its location is convenient to public transit stations.