Federal Heights, Colorado Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you wondering the population of Federal Heights, Colorado? The data below provides a quick overview of the demographics of this area. There are a number of interesting statistics related to Federal Heights. Here, you'll find the demographic makeup of the city, including its population and satets. The data is ranked by race and ethnicity. For example, the population of Federal Heights is almost ninety percent white and one-third African American. In addition, nearly ten percent of the population is Hispanic, and 16.7% is Hispanic.

The population of the City is relatively young. The age groups from five to twenty-four represented a larger percentage of the population than those from sixty-four to seventy-four. Meanwhile, the age group of 65-plus represented a significantly smaller proportion of the population. Although Federal Heights has a diverse population, it does show a distinct age divide. There are more young adults than older residents, and the population is growing. This means that additional schools and entry-level jobs are needed.

The economic status of individuals can be impacted by their level of education. In Federal Heights City, 48.7 percent of adults over the age of 25 had at least a high school diploma, while 5.5 percent had a Bachelor's degree. The population also includes low-income and very-low-income households. These households are concentrated in Delano's south-western area. Further, the number of very-low-income households was even higher than the overall population of the city.