Hayden, Colorado Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

How safe is Hayden, Alabama? You can find out with the Crime Grade report. The report highlights the safest areas of Hayden and shows crime rates by type. Hayden is in the 86th percentile for overall safety. It is safer than 14% of other cities, but 86% are more dangerous. The analysis only accounts for areas within the city's proper boundaries. For example, a neighborhood near a major airport could have higher crime rates than a community in a quiet residential area.

Compared to other cities in Idaho, Hayden has a much smaller population. More single people live in Hayden than in Rathdrum, which is 16.7% larger. The percentage of married couples is higher in Rathdrum than in Hayden, but the city is much smaller than Huetter. A study released in the fall of 2014 found that married couples make up 85% of the population. In Rathdrum, only 26% of households are headed by a single person.

The city's jobless rate is 3.8%. The number of evictions is less than the state average, but the city still has many high-profile evictions. However, the number of eviction cases is significantly lower in Hayden than in Meeker. As a result, Hayden is a safe place to live. A list of nearby towns will help you plan your trip.