Heeney, Colorado Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're interested in knowing the population and steets in Heeney City, CO, you should first look up the town's name. You may be surprised to learn that there are many smaller towns within 100 miles of Heeney. The list below provides information on the nearby cities and towns. You can use this information to plan a trip to Heeney City and nearby communities.

The wealth of residents living in Heeney is measured using several indicators of affluence. These include average household income, net worth, and the value of material possessions. The Wealth Index is a measure of the wealth of people living in Heeney City in relation to the poverty line in the U.S., with values above 100 indicating high levels of affluence. The table below shows how Heeney ranks in terms of wealth among all 459 incorporated cities in Colorado. The highest percentile is Ranked #1, while the lowest is in the 75th percentile.

The median property value in Heeney City is N/A, which is NaNN times higher than the national average of $240,500. There are N/A households in Heeney City, and 63% of the population lives in homeownership. Heeney, CO residents commute an average of 25.5 minutes to work each day, and the median car ownership rate is 5 cars per household.