Hesperus, Colorado Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Hesperus City, CO is home to 1,948 people of all races and ethnicities. The majority of residents identify as White, while less than one percent identify as Black, Hispanic or Latino. One in four residents is American Indian or Alaska Native, and another two percent are of two or more races.

The working population in Hesperus is composed of people who work in sales and service occupations. The rest of the residents work in clerical and technical support positions, and 9.1% are laborers. A majority of residents speak English in their homes, with 85.9% of households identifying as bilingual. Other common languages include Spanish and Polish.

The real estate market in Hesperus is mainly made up of small and medium-sized homes. Most of the homes are owner-occupied. Some are older than twenty years, while others were built just a few years ago. While most homes in Hesperus are owner-occupied, there are still many vacant homes throughout the area.

It is essential to consider how convenient transportation will be when living in Hesperus. While some people may prefer to walk, others prefer to live in the suburbs. They may find a more convenient lifestyle in a neighborhood where they can easily drive to the nearest grocery store. If you're a parent, you'll want to make sure that your child attends a good school. For this reason, it's important to check the Niche ratings for the schools in your area.