Highlands Ranch, Colorado Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following are the latest statistics on Population & Steets in Highlandds Ranch City. The median age is 39 for native-born citizens, and 45 for foreign-born residents. The city also has a low poverty rate, at 0.69% for working people and 4.17% for non-workers. Non-citizens are defined as anyone not a citizen of the United States, including legal permanent residents, international students, temporary workers, humanitarian migrants, and illegal immigrants.

The new town of Highlands Ranch contains a planned civic center. The Civic Center is a compact, mixed-use center featuring a central park, public library, cultural center, and senior centers. The development standards also emphasize a walkable pedestrian district and public utilities. These amenities are necessary for residents to live in the city and enjoy a quality lifestyle. The city is home to several neighborhoods, each with its own characteristics.

The population of Highlands Ranch, CO is about 104,000. It is particularly friendly to families with children, with a high percentage of kids between five and fourteen. There are smaller numbers of young professionals in the city. A majority of Highlands Ranch residents own their own homes, with only a small percentage of renters. Renting in Highlands Ranch costs $1,922 per month, slightly higher than the state average.

Listed below are QuickFacts about the population and steets of Highlands Ranch City, CO. They include information from the American Community Survey, Census of Population and Housing, Current Population Survey, and the Small Area Health Insurance and Poverty Estimates. The data are also inclusive of all amendments to the HGHLANDS RANCH PLAN. There are no public stables in Highlands Ranch, CO.