Hillrose, Colorado Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

You've probably wondered what the Population & Steets in Hillros City are. The population is 258. The average commute time is 17.6 minutes, and the median home value is $173,100. Home appreciation over the last ten years has been 8.8%. Listed below are some statistics about Hillrose City. Find out what life is like for the residents in Hillrose. Or, you can explore the rest of the city and its surrounding areas.

In this census, "housing unit" refers to a house, apartment, mobile home, or room used for habitation. Hillrose has a lower than average rent burden of 22.9%, compared to neighboring cities such as Arriba and Eckley. Additionally, the percentage of renter-occupied housing units is higher than the national average, with 30.7% of units being rented as of 2010.

The city's population is about six times smaller than the state's average, at approximately three-fourths the size of Colorado. Foreign born residents make up approximately 6.5% of the population. The area's population is made up of mainly native Americans and a small percentage of people who immigrated from other countries. In general, however, the country's population growth rate is much slower than the United States average.

According to the census, the population of Hillrose is comprised of 291 people of various ancestries. Only nine percent of Hillrose residents identify as black or Asian, while 22.0% of the population is Hispanic. The city's population is three-fourths that of Merino. And, as a result, the local population has a much lower proportion of single people than its neighboring towns.