Kittredge, Colorado Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you looking for Population & Steets in Kitthredge City? The information in this article will help you to find out. First, it's important to know what the population of a community is. The population of Kittredge is primarily comprised of artists and designers. Compared to other US cities, Kittredge has more people working in the arts, media, and computers.

The population of Kittredge is around a thousand people, with most of them middle-aged professionals. The percentage of young adults is smaller than that. The median income for the city is $55,958. As far as the economy goes, the population of Kittredge is slightly better than the national average. The city has a low unemployment rate and a high percentage of residents who are over the age of 30 have advanced degrees.

Listed below are the population and steets of Kittredge, CO. If you are looking for a place to raise a family, this is a good place to live. Many other families in the area also have children, so you can be certain that you will have plenty of opportunities to build social ties. Kittredge is also known for its good public school district. A high percentage of residents own single-family homes. Kittredge is also home to a low crime rate, which makes it a good place to raise a family.