Manzanola, Colorado Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following tables contain information on the Population & Steets of Manzanola City, Colorado. You can use them to estimate the number of people living in the city. The data is tagged to each residential address, so you'll find more accurate data for Manzanola. You can also look up employment statistics and find out the median household income for a place in Manzanola.

The population of Manzanola is made up of a wide range of people. Its largest group is made up of those born in the United States. That is about 24.5% higher than the population of neighboring Colorado cities. The majority of the population is white. The remaining percentage is African American. For the other generational groups, Manzanola ranks #2 in population, and the smallest is between 40 and 49 years old.

The census also offers data on the rent burden of each city. Rent burden is an indicator of housing affordability. In Manzanola, the average rent burden per household is 30.6%, lower than the state average of 30.6%. Manzanola has a low rent burden, compared to surrounding cities like Palmer Lake and Centennial. Similarly, 44.3% of Manzanola residents rent their homes.

The median age of residents in Manzanola is 42.4 years old, which puts it in the middle of the list. While this is not a very large number, it does compare favorably to the median age of Fowler and Rocky Ford, which both have higher median ages. This is a good indicator of the area's economic health and social status. The demographics of Manzanola City are not as rosy as one might hope.