The population of Monument, CO is around 5.88k people. Most residents are White (Hispanic), but there are also 394 Two+ (Non-Hispanic) households. Hispanic residents make up 11.6% of the total population, and there are about 8% of foreign-born residents. This percentage has been steadily increasing in recent years. In addition to the local population, the city also has a large number of Veterans from the Gulf War (2001-).
The city is located in central Colorado, at the base of the Front Range. Temperatures in Monument are typically moderate, with July, August, and June being the three most comfortable months. The coldest month is December, with temperatures in the 20s below zero. For the average person, Monument is about 65 miles from Denver. If you're looking to move to the area, check out these tips for Monument.
The median property value in Monument is $381,600, which is a little more than the US average of $55,612. However, there's a big difference in the median income in Monument, CO between males and females. Males in Monument have a higher income than females, earning an average of $107,168 compared to $55,618. Moreover, the average income in Monument, CO is 0.668 percent lower than the national average. In Monument, CO, the largest industries are Education & Training (with 545 employees), Accommodation & Food Services (with 399 people), and Professional, Scientific, & Technical Services (399 people). In addition, Monument has a higher than average percentage of residents who drive alone. While people in Monument, CO commute by car to work on average of 26.4 minutes, the highest paying industries
For those traveling from outside the area, Monument is easily accessible. Interstate 25 exit 161 leads to the city. State Highway 105 runs through Monument. The population is approximately 21,000, and the town is located in a high-traffic area. At the Monument Circle, you can watch the parades and enjoy the views. You'll also find several restaurants and breweries in the city. The Monument is a must-see for visitors to the area.