Olney Springs, Colorado Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are searching for the Population & Steets in Olney Springs City, you have come to the right place. Here, you will find all the important information about Olney Springs. You can find the population statistics of this city as well as its surrounding area. You can use these statistics to see if Olney Springs is the right place for you. The population of Olney Springs is 93,457.

The median household income in Olney Springs is $31,458. The average household income is $31,449. The poverty rate is 8.49%. The median gross rent in Olney Springs is $678 a month. This is higher than the national average, so you'll have to work a bit harder to afford an apartment in this city. You can find more information about the local government in Olney Springs at their website.

The rent burden is a measure of how much of a household's income is spent on rental housing. It is useful in determining whether housing is affordable in Olney Springs. While the rent burden in Olney Springs is higher than the average in Colorado, nearby cities have a lower rent burden. Among neighboring cities, Ordway and Colorado City have higher rent burdens. The city also has more renters than other nearby cities.