Pierce, Colorado Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Do you want to know the Population & Steets in Pierce, MO? The following information will help you make that determination. First, it is important to understand the racial and ethnic makeup of this area. The city has 1.14k White residents. There are also approximately 80 American Indian & Alaska Native (Non-Hispanic) residents and 22 white (Hispanic) residents. Hispanics make up 2.52% of the population.

The area around Pierce City is part of the Lawrence metro area. It is a small town that was named for a railroad official, Andrew Peirce. The city was officially incorporated in 1871, but a grammar rule changed the spelling to Pierce City. Many people mistakenly thought that the town was named after former President Franklin Pierce. In fact, the current spelling was used for many years and officially changed to Pierce City in 1980. Harold Bell Wright was the pastor at the First Christian Church of Disciples of Christ in Pierce City. He also pastored other churches in the area, and later retired to write full-time.

A number of locals enjoy the pedestrian-friendly environment of downtown Fort Pierce, and the waterfront is a beautiful location to take a stroll. The city has a free parking lot behind city hall, and there are plenty of outlying attractions where you can park your car. However, most residents drive to the ocean beaches and other attractions. The city is served by a number of public transportation routes. You can ride the bus or use a taxi service to get around town.