Pitkin, Colorado Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What is the Population & Steets of Pitkin City? Pitkin is a Statutory Town in Gunnison County, Colorado. The population was 66 at the 2010 census, down from 124 in the 2000 census. The town's population is fairly evenly spread out. Twenty-six percent of the population was under 18 years old, and four percent was between 18 and 24 years old. Twenty-five percent of the population was between 25 and 44 years old, while thirty-four percent of the population was 65 and older. The population was relatively young, with the median age of 45 years old. Males outnumbered females by an average of 85:1.

The population of Pitkin is slightly lower than the national average, but the average age is significantly higher than the state's. The percentage of residents with a bachelor's degree is also higher than the state's average. The city has a single flier, and is home to one pilot. There are no other airmen in the city. However, Pitkin has a fairly low rate of poverty.

The median property value in Pitkin, LA is $83,800, which is thirty percent less than the national average. The homeownership rate is 45.2%, slightly below the national average. In addition to homeownership, people in Pitkin live in multi-unit housing, which increases the median home value. The median income is not solely derived from wages; it comes from investment income, dividends, and retirement income. In fact, the median car ownership rate is higher than the national average.