Roggen, Colorado Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're planning to move to Roggen City, you may be wondering about the Population & Steets in Rogen. Fortunately, the city has a low crime rate compared to surrounding cities. In fact, crime rates in Roggen are well below the national average. Nevertheless, you should take note of any potential dangers by exploring the crime map of the city.

The ZIP code 80652 has 153.1% white residents, 0% black people, 0.7% Hispanics, and 0.13% people of other races. There are approximately 2.24 people for every homeowner in Roggen. The median household income is $44,318. The high school graduation rate is 77%. In terms of race and ethnicity, Roggen has a relatively diverse population.

If you plan to relocate to Roggen City, CO, you'll want to know the population and street steets of each city nearby. This will help you plan a trip and get a feel for the area. If you live in South Roggen, it might be a good idea to check out some other nearby cities to get a feel for the surrounding area.