Seibert, Colorado Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Seibert, Iowa is approximately 3,070 people, and is located in Washington County. The population is primarily white, with 12.3% of residents identifying as Black or African American. Another 5.4% identify as Asian, with 0.2% identifying as Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander. Twenty-eight percent of the population is Hispanic or Latino, and 2.6% are unknown. During the census, residents of Seibert are asked about their ancestry. Common ancestries are German and French, with the Scotch-Irish population being the highest concentration.

Crime rates in Seibert are slightly higher than those in the surrounding communities, although they do not exceed the national average. The crime rate in Seibert varies from neighborhood to neighborhood, but generally falls within the moderate range. Although the overall crime rate is lower in Seibert, it does have some risky areas. A few crimes are reported near retail areas, which might appear to be safer.

Before moving to Seibert, consider your needs and the neighborhood. Do the houses look similar? Are there enough parking spaces? Does the garage have room for your vehicle? Do neighbors seem friendly? Does the neighborhood look well-maintained? This can tell you whether the people living near you are friendly and responsible. These are all things to consider when searching for a home in Seibert, CO.

As of 2010 census, Seibert has a population of only 182 people. According to the city's census data, the median household income is $35,833.