Silverthorne, Colorado Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

In determining the quality of a neighborhood, it is important to know the population and steets of Silverthorne City. Although most neighborhoods have similar houses, there are some that may not be desirable. Moreover, make sure to find a house with enough parking space. If there are no available parking spaces in the neighborhood, make sure to check whether there are any nearby amenities, such as grocery stores.

Compared to the national average of 64.1%, the percentage of households in Silverthorne, CO who own a vehicle is much lower than in nearby areas. This means that Silverthorne, CO is more affordable for residents. The median household income in the city is $1,475 compared to the national average of $20,878. It is also worth noting that only 34.8% of households in Silverthorne own a car.

In Silverthorne, CO, the population is comprised of native and foreign-born citizens. A quarter of the population is over the age of 18, while the other half is over 65. Moreover, the median age of Silverthorne's population is 46.1 years old, compared to 44. According to the US Census, Mexico is the number one foreign-born country in Colorado. Second-placed countries include India and China. Approximately 18% of the population is below the federal poverty level.

The median property value in Silverthorne, CO is $586,700, which is two-and-a-half times higher than the national average. Residents in Silverthorne, CO are highly likely to own a home and commute to work alone. With a median commute time of 19.5 minutes, it is relatively easy to get to work from home. There are no public schools in Silverthorne, CO, and the median age of residents is 46.1. Residents of this city speak English as their first language, and most have two cars.