Slick Rock, Colorado Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

In 2019, the population of Slick, OK was 158. The median property value was $75,000, and the homeownership rate was 91.2%. People in Slick commuted an average of 28 minutes to work each way. There are approximately 2 cars per household in Slick, OK. The median age in Slick is 37.7. The percentage of residents who speak a language other than English is 0%.

The most common racial and ethnic group living below the poverty line in Slick, OK is White. Other races included Native American and Vietnam. The majority of residents of Slick, OK are US citizens, compared to 93.4% of the national population. These numbers have remained stable over the years. Among the various occupations in Slick, OK, the majority of residents work in Construction & Extraction, Management & Production, and Retail trade.

Among all occupations in Slick, OK, Construction & Extraction and Natural Resources, Construction, - Maintenance, and Production, Transportation, & Material Moving earn the highest median wages. The median salary in Slick, OK is $60,417, which is less than the national average of $65,712. It was $53,125 in 2018 and increased by 13.7% annually. Slick, OK is home to 66 people, and the majority of residents work in Construction.