Weldona, Colorado Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

A quick look at the data below will give you an idea of what people in Weldona are like. Most of the residents in the city are middle-aged adults. The median age in Weldona is forty-six years old, and the average family consists of two adults and two children. The city ranks 79th for diversity and is 5815th for income.

Weldona City's population has steadily decreased over the past five years, a trend that can be attributed to a variety of factors. Some of these reasons are short-term incidents while others are long-term demographic patterns. A low birth rate is another reason for the declining population of Weldona. The decrease is further compounded by the fact that the city only has a few restaurants and a grocery store.

Weldona City has a population of seven hundred and forty-four people. There are 261 households in the city. The median home value in the city is $123,000 and the average household size is 2.52. The rent burden in Weldona is also lower than the state average of thirty-six percent. Compared to neighboring cities, Kersey and Peetz have lower rent burdens. In Weldona, twenty-six percent of households live in rental properties.

Weldona City has a moderate walk score. With a score of four out of five, it's easy to get around the city. However, a higher walk score correlates with more noise. Therefore, it's important to keep this in mind when evaluating potential homes in Weldona City. There are numerous factors to consider, such as how close the neighborhood is to amenities.