This table gives you a snapshot of the Population & Steets of Wray City. You can compare the city with nearby areas to get a better idea of the quality of life in Wray. It also includes the number of crimes reported in the city. Wray has a low crime rate, but there are some areas where crime is more likely to occur. This article will explain why the crime rate in central Wray, CO is higher than in the city's north.
Wray is home to a population of 2,714 people. Its median household income is $40,850. The poverty rate in Wray is 3.95%, which is well above the national average. The median age in the city is 36.4. The median household income in Wray is $51,375. While Wray is a relatively poor city, the local population is a good indicator of how much the area is improving.
Wray City's population is diverse and is comprised of many different ancestries. Almost two-thirds of its population is under the age of 15, and only 1.6% of residents are 65 or older. The median age is 39 years old. While the overall population of Wray is mixed, most residents are of European or German ancestry. In Wray, the German, Czechoslovakian, English, and French ancestry are the most prevalent.
The quality of a neighborhood can be determined by its proximity to amenities. If a neighborhood has a high percentage of homes sold, that means it is a desirable area. Alternatively, a neighborhood that has few homes for sale may indicate that local residents are eager to move on. This is why it is important to talk to local residents to determine the quality of a neighborhood before buying or selling a home.