Bozrah, Connecticut Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking for population & steets in Bozrah, Connecticut, you have come to the right place. Bozrah City, Connecticut, has a population of 6,628 people. Compared to the rest of Connecticut, Bozrah has a lower population density than other nearby cities. You'll find that nearly 2% of the population is foreign-born, which is slightly above the national average.

When it comes to ethnic diversity, the areas that are green have a greater population diversity than the areas that are red. Diversity is the percentage of people of different races living close to one another, and a town with all white areas is considered lacking diversity. This is a good sign. This information can be helpful in planning your trip to Bozrah. And remember, the data is only as good as the people who live there.

The demographic makeup of the city reflects the population's age and socioeconomic status. For example, the population in Bozrah is composed of 57% men and 48% women. This means that the population is overwhelmingly young, with only 11.7% of the population being over 65. Moreover, the median age of the population is 33.4 years, for males and 51.7 years for females.

After World War II, Bozrah lost its manufacturing base, and a number of industries relocated to cheaper alternatives. This coupled with the national trend of people moving away from historic urban centers meant that Bozrah's population dropped by nearly 20%. To help the city regain its footing, large urban renewal projects were launched to reverse the decline. Bozrah's downtown area was destroyed in a massive project to build a new office tower. A new mall was also built, which grew in popularity. However, the new mall didn't last, and many major tenants left. The bozrah center's appeal quickly faded in favor of shopping malls in the suburbs.