East Hartland, Connecticut Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following are the most recent data for Population & Steets in East Hartfordland City. The population of East Hartland is approximately 1,435 people. The median age for residents is 39.7 years and the median age for females is 39.3. The number of births and deaths in East Hartland is roughly 11,260 per year. The data is provided by the U.S. Census Bureau, and while they do provide reliable information, there is no guarantee of accuracy.

The Town of East Hartland is located in Hartford County, Connecticut. The population of the town is estimated at 2,113 in 2020. This is a very small town, so you might have to drive a bit to find it. However, if you want to know more about Hartland, CT, read on to learn more about the town. It's a small, local town that's only about 50 miles from Hartford.

The overall crime rate in East Hartland is 0.71 crimes per 1,000 residents. The northwest part of the city is the safest part, with a chance of being a victim of violent crime of one year in one's lifetime. Conversely, one's chances of being victim of violent crime are as high as 1 in 1369 in the southwest portion of the city, and as low as one in fourteen19 in the northwest. Contrary to popular belief, the red area does not necessarily mean that residents in that area are in danger of committing a violent crime.

The age of residents in East Hartland is slightly younger than the average of Wisconsin cities. The median income in this city is $341,200. It has a population density that is slightly lower than the state average, and the median home value is $341,200. Hartland has a history rating of three stars, and its median home value is above the state average. Compared to other Wisconsin cities, the city's population is significantly younger.