North Grosvenordale, Connecticut Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What is the Population & Steets in North Crosvenordale City? The city is home to 4,727 people in total. This number is split between 2,345 males and 2,382 females. This means that each year there are approximately 1,321 births and 974 deaths. Approximately 4,695 of these people belong to one race, while the other 32 are from more than one race.

The crime map in this city shows the worst and safest areas. The areas with the most crimes are in red, while those with the lowest rates are in yellow. Crime rates are weighted by type of crime, so that a neighborhood with a low rate of crime may have a high ranking in this category. Overall, North Grosvenordale ranks 64th in terms of safety, meaning that the city is less safe than other cities with similar population.

The majority of residents in North Grosvenor Dale, CT are US citizens. This percentage is much higher than the national average and even the number of other neighboring communities. The city's large population of veterans, particularly those from the Korean War, is another reason for its relatively high percentage of citizenship. A large percentage of North Grosvenor Dale, CT residents are white.