South Windham, Connecticut Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're looking for a quick overview of the population and steets of South Windham City, Maine, look no further than this article. The information contained herein is not intended to be comprehensive. While Windham residents do have the opportunity to provide input in the city's budget process, a low turnout is problematic for the Board of Finance's work. Fortunately, there are a few ways to get an accurate picture of this town's population.

The population of South Windham City is spread out, with only one ward with more than one street. The median age was 47.7 years, and the average household income was $48,661 (as of 2010). Per capita income was $33,591.

The CDP is made up of 517 households. Of these, 25.1% had children under the age of 18. The remaining 56.1% were married couples; 7.9% were single women. The rest were non-families. Eighteen percent of the households were headed by an individual. The average household size was 2.47 people. Approximately one in three residents live below the poverty line. The area has a low crime rate and a large number of children, a fact which is important for residents.

The cost of living in South Windham is relatively low. The average household income is $61,155, which is higher than the national average. The city's median property tax rate is 1.8%, and its sales tax is 6.4%. It is a small suburb in the Eastern Time Zone. It is also located just south of a major airport and has a coastline 26 miles away. Compared to other suburbs, traffic in South Windham is low. In addition, the road network is moderate.